About Judith Beck
With more than 25 years’ in recruiting at senior levels, She has interviewed over 20,000 professionals. Judith has also consulted and mentored some of Australia’s most successful leaders. This has given Judith the insight required to see the very clear patterns that highlight why some people are successful and others aren’t.
Who do you look up to? What have you observed them doing that makes them successful?
These are the people and the actions you should be aiming to replicate. Judith is passionate about equality and ensuring everyone has the same opportunities to be what ever they want to be. Judith’s mission is to drive change by starting at the beginning, encouraging conversation about what is working and what isn’t and including everyone in the process.

My mother, my first mentor –
“It’s never too late to make a change”
Judith’s Career
Judith successfully placed hundreds of candidates at Senior to MD level and could very clearly see why some people rise to the top and others don’t. In 2020, to give back to an industry that has been good to her, Judith passed the baton for the FEW business to the next generation to take the already successful business to it’s next level of success. This gesture reinforces her belief that we should pass our experience on to others and support those who are coming up the ladder. Judith also founded FEW Good Men, which has some of Australia’s most senior men in Financial Services volunteering to be Advocates to Senior Women looking to take their next career step.
As she takes her next step in her career, Judith is passionate about passing on everything she has learnt from running successful businesses to climbing the corporate ladder. Her focus is on ensuring equality is for everyone, and how you as an individual can succeed in corporate life by being the best you can be.
Judith is a Key note speaker on several subjects, including but not limited to, How to build your internal brand, What the Top 10 percenters do, Effective recruitment practices to ensure equality, Fight your fear to promotion, How to get from A to B in today’s corporate environment, The must do's in any internal interview, Effective Leaders have soft skills, Secrets of a Head Hunter. She was also a 2020 Women in Finance finalist for CEO of the year and Entrepreneur of the year. Judith also has an MBA in Human Resource Management.